Breast Cancer and Reconstruction Surgery Completed by 1 Surgeon Near Dacula, GA

Don’t settle for a deforming breast cancer surgery, expect to preserve, or even improve, your femininity.

Breast Cancer and Reconstruction Surgeon

Breasts are one of the most immediately recognized symbols of femininity which can be forever damaged by treatment for breast cancer.  The vast majority of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer will be successfully treated for and cured of their disease.  Unfortunately, far too many women undergo deforming surgeries that they must live with for the rest of their lives and serve as a daily reminder of their diagnosis.  Dr. Schwartz is the top breast surgeon near Dacula, GA and his mission is to ensure that never happens and that women can move on with their lives, proud and confident with their healthy, newly reconstructed breasts.  All reconstructive surgery from the time of diagnosis and forever thereafter is fully covered by insurance, so it is never too early, or too late, to start thinking about breast reconstruction.

Jean-Claude Schwartz, MD, PhD
Top Breast Surgeon Near Dacula, GA

Breast Cancer & Reconstruction Surgeon

Dr. Schwartz is an internationally trained and recognized leader in the field of oncoplastic breast surgery.  He is rightfully referred to as the Top Breast Surgeon near Dacula, GA as there is no purely trained breast cancer surgeon in the United States with a more comprehensive reconstructive skillset nor who has made more original contributions to the varied areas of oncoplastic breast surgery than Dr. Schwartz. He is one of only two surgeons in Georgia, and a handful in the US, capable of breast tumor removal and immediate reconstruction in just one surgery. With over 6,000 surgeries performed, Dr. Schwartz is constantly perfecting and innovating new oncoplastic techniques to further improve a women’s breast appearance after breast cancer surgery.

A good word means a lot

Client testimonials


It’s always the word of mouth that’s the best advice. Here are some of our client testimonials.
4.9-star rating, over 6000 surgeries completed.

World-Class Training

European Institute Of Oncology

Milan, Italy

Barretos Cancer Hospital Brazil

Barretos, Brazil

Brazil training

Curitiba, Brazil

Emory University

Atlanta, USA

Albert Einstein medical college

New York, USA

London Plastic Surgeons

London, UK

The Paris Breast Center

Paris, France

St. Marks Auckland

Auckland, New Zealand​

Yale-University School-of-Medicine

New Haven, USA

Cornell University

Ithaca, USA​

Am I A Candidate?

All of Dr. Schwartz’s breast cancer and reconstructive surgeries are covered by health insurance. By performing many of his surgeries at a private Ambulatory Surgery Center attached to his office, Dr. Schwartz is able to:

Dr. Schwartz performs hundreds of insurance-covered breast reductions every year in his Outpatient Surgery Center. Back, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, arm numbness, breast groove infections are just some of the symptoms that result from a large breast size. Women from the ages of 16 into their late 70s have undergone breast reduction surgery with Dr. Schwartz with immediate relief of their symptoms and a vastly improved quality of life. In some instances, patients come to Dr. Schwartz with poor results after breast reduction surgery performed elsewhere and request revision to improve their final appearance.

Our Procedures

As the Top Breast Surgeon near Dacula, GA Dr. Schwartz is an expert in both breast cancer surgery and reconstruction. Dr. Schwartz can offer his patients a comprehensive list of surgical options and a detailed explanation of the surgery that best suits them. The details of both the cancer surgery and reconstruction are fully explained to patients, including their expected results, recovery time, and how their surgeries will be scheduled around their possible need for chemotherapy and radiation therapy.