Fax: 770-339-9804

Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
44 year old female with left breast cancer and a history of bilateral breast augmentation undergoes bilateral mastectomy and direct to implant reconstruction. Her surgery requires less than 2 hours and she is discharged home the same day. She requires no further reconstructive surgery.
26 year old female with the brca mutation and history of multiple biopsies undergoes bilateral mastectomy and direct to implant reconstruction in less than two hours. She is discharged home the same day after surgery and has an excellent aesthetic outcome. She requires no further reconstructive surgery.
53 year old female undergoes a left mastectomy and implant reconstruction in less than one hour. She is shown three months after surgery. She has an excellent aesthetic result and excellent symmetry with the right breast. The methods used to obtain such good symmetry were initially described by Dr. Schwartz.
41 year old female undergoes a left mastectomy and implant reconstruction in less than one hour. She is shown 6 months after surgery. She has an excellent aesthetic result and very good symmetry with the right breast. The methods used to obtain this symmetry were initially described by Dr. Schwartz.
53 year old female undergoes a left mastectomy and implant reconstruction in less than one hour. She is shown three months after surgery. She has an excellent aesthetic result and excellent symmetry with the right breast. The methods used to obtain such good symmetry were initially described by Dr. Schwartz.
This 37–year-old woman with left breast cancer desires a “lifted appearance” with a modest increase in breast size. She undergoes bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with implants placed on top of her muscle through incisions placed at the bottom of her breast. She never requires hospital admission and her reconstruction is completed in one surgery. She is shown 12 months after her mastectomy.
This is a 55–year-old woman with left breast cancer. She undergoes a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with implants placed on top of her chest muscle through incisions at the bottom of her breast. She is shown 6 months after her mastectomy. She only requires one surgery and is never admitted to the hospital.
This 39–year-old woman with bilateral breast cancer is desirous of a bilateral mastectomy and an increase in breast size. She undergoes bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with implants placed on top of her chest muscle through incisions placed at the bottom of her breast. She is shown 6 months after her mastectomy.
This 49–year-old woman undergoes bilateral prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction for a strong family history of breast cancer. Her surgery is performed through incisions placed at the bottom of the breast and her implants are placed on top of the muscle. She is discharged on the day of surgery and never requires hospital admission. She requests an increase in breast size which Dr. Schwartz was able to perform for her.
This 44-year-old female with right breast cancer decides to proceed with a mastectomy but desires to keep her left breast. She undergoes a right mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with an implant placed on the top of the muscle through an incision placed at the bottom of her breast. Her symmetry is very good despite the fact that the right side has been reconstructed with an implant and her left contains just her native breast.
This 53-year-old female with right breast cancer and an inherited predisposition (BRCA) to breast cancer undergoes a bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with implants through incisions at the bottom of her breasts. She undergoes a second procedure for fat transfer and a small lift. She is shown three months after her second surgery.
This 53-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer presents after chemotherapy. She undergoes a left mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with an implant placed on top of her chest muscle. She does not want any surgery performed on her right breast. She then requires radiation therapy to the left breast reconstruction. Despite having surgery and reconstruction followed by radiation on just the left side, Dr. Schwartz is still able to provide her with excellent symmetry.
This 51-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer elects to proceed with a mastectomy but keep her right breast. Her left mastectomy incision is placed underneath her left breast and her implant is placed on top of the chest muscle. She has excellent symmetry between the breasts which is very challenging for most surgeons to accomplish when performing a reconstruction on just one side (and not operating on the other side).
This is a 51-year-old female with stage one left breast cancer and a known PALB- 2 mutation. She desires bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with implants with nipple preservation. Her most important request is that her surgery is completed in one operation. Schwartz is the only breast surgeon in Atlanta who can satisfy her desires and proceeds with a bilateral mastectomy, reduces her skin envelope, repositions her nipple, and immediately reconstructs her with implants in one surgery without hospital admission. This patient is very pleased with her final result.
This is a 44-year-old female with a known BRCA2 mutation and an extensive family history of breast cancer. She desires bilateral prophylactic mastectomy and immediate reconstruction in one surgery. She desires nipple preservation. Given her very low nipple positioning and asymmetry, this is a difficult case. Dr. Schwartz is able to retailor her skin envelope, reposition her nipple and obtain symmetry between the breasts in one surgery. She is discharged home on the day of surgery without hospital admission.
This is a 63-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer who requires a mastectomy. She undergoes a left-wise-pattern mastectomy and free nipple graft. She undergoes an immediate reconstruction with a less form stable or softer implant placed above the muscle on the left side. On the right, she undergoes a right breast reduction for symmetry. The use of a softer or less form stable implant placed above the muscle allows us to obtain excellent symmetry with the opposite, healthy right breast. This approach was first described and published by Dr. Schwartz in 2021.
This is a 62-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer. She undergoes a left wise-pattern mastectomy and immediate nipple reconstruction. On the right, she undergoes an inferior pedicle breast reduction. She will benefit from areolar tattooing in the future. She has excellent symmetry. Most surgeons don’t perform immediate nipple reconstruction at the time of mastectomy committing the patient to additional surgeries. It is Dr. Schwartz’s goal to complete your reconstruction in one surgery without any additional planned surgery.
41-year-old female with extensive right breast cancer requiring mastectomy. She undergoes a right mastectomy, implant reconstruction, and breast lift, and left breast reduction. She has an excellent result using techniques described by Dr. Schwartz to immediately lift the nipple at the time of mastectomy and to optimize symmetry when patients decide to remove just one breast.
This is a 44-year-old female who undergoes a left wise-pattern mastectomy, free nipple graft reconstruction, and immediate implant placement. She undergoes a right breast reduction for symmetry. She undergoes areolar tattooing on the left to optimize her final result. She is shown six months after her left breast areolar tatoo. She requires only one surgery for her cancer resection, definitive reconstruction, and contralateral symmetry procedure. The approach of placing a softer, less form stable implant above the muscle after mastectomy to obtain symmetry with the opposite healthy side was an approach first described by Dr. Schwartz in 2021
44-year-old female with locally advanced right breast cancer almost eroding through the right breast skin. She undergoes chemotherapy with complete resolution of her cancer. She is shown 3 months after her bilateral mastectomy and immediate implant reconstruction.
41-year-old female with left breast cancer. She desires a bilateral mastectomy and implant reconstruction. She is shown 6 months after her cancer surgery and reconstruction where she also undergoes a lift and final implant placement using an approach first described by Dr. Schwartz.
39-year-old female diagnosed with left breast cancer after performing an excision for an atypical papilloma. She is shown 3 months after her bilateral mastectomy and implant reconstruction.
66-year-old female undergoes a bilateral mastectomy and immediate implant reconstruction with a small nipple lift at the time of her mastectomy. She is shown 3 months after surgery with an excellent aesthetic result.
57-year-old female undergoes a bilateral mastectomy and immediate implant reconstruction. Dr. Schwartz and his team were able to correct the left breast deformity from her cancer. She is shown six months after her surgery.
47-year-old female undergoes a right mastectomy and reconstruction with an implant after chemotherapy. She’s shown six months after the completion of right chest wall radiation therapy. She has an excellent aesthetic result despite her radiation therapy treatment.
44-year-old female undergoes a bilateral mastectomy and immediate direct-to-implant reconstruction for right breast cancer. She is shown six months after her surgery with an excellent aesthetic result.
37-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer. Dr. Schwartz performs a bilateral mastectomy and direct-to-implant reconstruction in one surgery. She is shown 6 months after her surgery.
59-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer. She desires a left mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. She is shown 6 months after surgery with excellent symmetry between the breasts. These approaches to obtain excellent symmetry when just performing a unilateral mastectomy were described by Dr. Schwartz.
39-year-old female with left breast cancer. She is shown 6 months after bilateral mastectomy and direct-to-implant reconstruction. Her surgery takes less than 2 hours, and she is discharged home that day. She requires no further surgery.
59-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer and right breast atypia. She desires bilateral mastectomy and direct-to-implant reconstruction. Her surgery takes 2 hours, and she is discharged home that day. She is shown 6 months after her surgery.
61-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer. She would like to keep her right breast. She undergoes a left mastectomy and direct-to-implant reconstruction. She has excellent symmetry with the normal right breast. These approaches to obtain symmetry in patients who undergo just a one-sided mastectomy were described by Dr. Schwartz.
45-year-old female with extensive right breast cancer. Dr. Schwartz performs a bilateral mastectomy and a lift with nipple preservation and direct-to-implant reconstruction. She requires only one surgery and is shown 6 months post-operatively.
55-year-old female with left breast cancer. She desires bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. Dr. Schwartz performs a bilateral mastectomy and a lift with nipple preservation and direct-to-implant reconstruction. She is shown 6 months postoperatively.
55-year-old female desires bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with implants for left breast cancer. She is shown 6 months after her mastectomy and reconstruction- performed in one surgical procedure by Dr. Schwartz.
49-year-old female with a history of breast reduction surgery is found to have a genetic mutation (BRCA1) and desires bilateral prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction. She is shown 4 months after her mastectomy and implant reconstruction (requiring only one surgery).
44-year-old female with extensive left breast cancer after chemotherapy with an excellent response. She desires bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. She is shown 3 months after her bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. Please note that she also undergoes a lift at the time of her mastectomy, a technique Dr. Schwartz has extensive experience with and has described and published on.
41-year-old female with right breast cancer desires bilateral mastectomy and implant reconstruction. She is shown 6 months after mastectomy and direct-to-implant reconstruction.
49-year-old female with a history of breast augmentation surgery develops extensive right breast cancer and desires bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with smaller implants. She is shown 4 months after her mastectomy, implant removal, and placement of new smaller implants.
44-year-old female with left breast cancer desires bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with implants. She undergoes one surgery and is shown four months later.
37-year-old female originally presented to Dr. Schwartz for breast reduction surgery. She undergoes preoperative imaging, recommended by Dr. Schwartz given her age and family history, and extensive right breast cancer is discovered. After undergoing chemotherapy, she requests bilateral mastectomy and direct-to-implant reconstruction with a lift. Dr. Schwartz performs this all-in-one surgical procedure. Dr. Schwartz is one of a handful of surgeons who perform this surgery in the United States, publishing extensively on this topic.
44-year-old female with right breast cancer desires bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with implants. She is shown 6 months after her single surgery to remove both breasts and immediate reconstruction with definitive implants.
36-year-old female with a right breast cancer presents to Dr. Schwartz after chemotherapy with an excellent response. She undergoes bilateral mastectomy and implant reconstruction in one surgery. She is shown 3 months after the completion of right breast radiotherapy.
52-year-old female with left breast cancer desires bilateral mastectomy and implant reconstruction. She is shown 4 months after her single procedure to complete her mastectomy and reconstruction.
49-year-old female with extensive right breast cancer requiring mastectomy. She undergoes a right mastectomy, lift and immediate implant placement. On the left, she undergoes a lift and reduction for symmetry. This is all performed in one surgical procedure. Dr. Schwartz is one of the few surgeons in the country capable of performing this surgery. Furthermore, even fewer are capable of performing this is one surgical procedure.
61-year-old female with right breast cancer with an excellent response after chemotherapy. She is shown 3 months after bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with implants- she requires only one surgical procedure.
51-year-old female with left breast cancer undergoes bilateral mastectomy and implant reconstruction. She is shown 6 months after surgery and is pleased. She requires no further surgery